Affliate Program Free to Join Make money promoting HOW TO WRITE YOUR MEMOIR |
Earn a 50% commission on every sale. With the sales price for the Guide and Workbook at a give away price of only $9 you will earn $4.50 on every sale. By just selling ten e-book a day you will make $1,350 per month. That is not bad at all! This is an easy sale and all of the work is completed automatically once the purchase is made. It cost you nothing to sign up. You simply send people interested in buying the e-book to my sales page which can be accomplished many different ways which I will show you below. You will be paid through a third party merchant I use which is clickbank. It cost nothing to set up an account with them and can be accomplished in a matter of a few minutes. They process all monies and are 100% reliable. If you do not have a clickbank account, please go Here to sign up and come back after you receive your nickname which you will need. Your affiliate link will look something like this The XXXXX above should be your nickname. It is very important that it does since this is how the system will know you are the one sending traffic to the sales page. I have a number of banners and graphics you can use below. A link is also included with each. When using these be sure to change the XXXXX to your nickname so you will get credit. |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
copy/paste HTML code but change XXXXX to your nickname |
How to market HOW TO WRITE YOUR MEMOIRS and make money!!!!! |
From your web site you can add the images and banners above by inserting the html code. It is not that hard. You can also add the direct code into any comments you have on your site. After you do this, you have to do nothing else but check your account with clickbank to see when you make a sale. From the emails you send to others you can make money by mentioning the ebook and providing a link. A cool way to do this without thinking about it is to include the name of the book ( HOW TO WRITE YOUR MEMOIRS) and then add the link in your signature block. If you want to send an email directly for pitching the e-book you can try something like the letter below. Dear Friend, I just found a guide and workbook called HOW TO WRITE YOUR MEMOIRS that is fantastic. It is written by Johnny Ray, a professional ghostwriter and leads you through the process of writing you own memoirs. Here is the link where you can check it out for yourself. Thanks, Your Name Social media sites are a great way of getting people to hit on your link to the sales page. You can be extremely creative but one word of caution. Do not spam! This can get you in trouble and banned from the socila media site as well as Clickbank. I also cannot condone it. Blogging can also be a great way to build trafic for you. Talk about this new e-book you found and add the link in the blog post. Be sure to also use one of the banners in doing so and you should see fantastic results. Finally let me say how much I appreciate my affiliates and will do whatever I can to support you which includes giving you half of the commisions on this sale. If you need to contact me with any questions my e-mail is . Thanks, Johnny Ray |